Ruffles without Ridges introduced Own Your Ridges through comedy. But
there’s another side to Own Your Ridges: the purposeful one. With LeBron
coming on board, Ruffles can fully realize the potential of Own Your Ridges
and deepen its meaning. Own Your Ridges urges individuals to embrace what
makes them, them. It lifts the voices of those who have faced obstacles, be it
internal struggles or barriers from the outside world, and made the decision
to embrace those things, those Ridges, and celebrate them.
The Ruffles DNA TVC Spot is the hero of the whole campaign. It focuses our
messaging in a concise and visually captivating way. It sends our Own Your
Ridges message through the use of real-life people and their inspiring and
heartwarming stories. From the struggles of a blind skater, a female barber,
a previously incarcerated chef, and a single father, these stories give us
glimpses into people’s lives as we explore the differences that make them
unique. Real stories of real people Owning Their Ridges!
messaging in a concise and visually captivating way. It sends our Own Your
Ridges message through the use of real-life people and their inspiring and
heartwarming stories. From the struggles of a blind skater, a female barber,
a previously incarcerated chef, and a single father, these stories give us
glimpses into people’s lives as we explore the differences that make them
unique. Real stories of real people Owning Their Ridges!